Alison Fuller

Professor of Vocational Education and Work; Pro-Director (Research and Development), UCL Institute of Education, University College London


Education, Practice and Society

Phone: 0207 612 6376

Recent Outputs and Activities


'Achieving employee-driven innovation in the healthcare sector: new challenges for professional practice', ProPel, University of Stirling, 25-27 June 2014

'Working and Learning for Innovation in Health care: New organisational forms and practices in Homeless Health', AERA, Chicago, 16-20 April 2015

'Organising Innovation in Healthcare: the creative practices of everyday bricoleurs', MedSoc, University of York, 9-11 September 2015

'Working and Learning for Healthcare Innovation: New ways of practising healthcare for homeless people', Researching Work and Learning (RWL) Singapore Dec 2015

'Innovating for a cause, emergent processes in healthcare for homeless people', Ninth International Symposium on Process Organization Studies , June 2017, (Kos, Greece)

'Translating employee driven innovations in healthcare: the creative practices of everyday bricoleurs,' 33rd EGOS Colloquiem July 2017 (Copenhagen)