Dr Hui-Teng Hoo is a Lecturer at the Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore. She is Director, Assurance of Learning for Centre for Leadership and Cultural Intelligence. She leads the Business School Accreditation and Assurance of Learning innovation which looks into pedagogies, assessments and feedback for effectual teaching and learning.
Dr. Hoo’s research areas are multicultural teams, innovative assessment and feedback practices, and systematic reviews. She is working with the EPPI-Centre at UCL on several systematic review projects, including the ISIKLE systematic review led by Professor Gough, director of the EPPI-Centre.
Current LLAKES Projects
Student Knowledge Exchange (ISIKLE)
Evaluating Student Knowledge Exchange
Recent Outputs and Activities
Hoo, H.T., Deneen, C., and Boud, D. (forthcoming). Developing student feedback literacy through self and peer assessment interventions. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education.
Newman, M., Bird, K., Kwan, I., Shemilt, I., Richardson, M., and Hoo, H.T. (Dec 2020). The impact of feedback approaches on educational attainment in children and young people: A systematic review protocol (post-peer review). Education Endowment Foundation, UK.
Hoo, H.T., Tan, K., and Deneen, C. (2020). Negotiating self- and peer-feedback with the use of reflective journals: an analysis of undergraduates’ engagement with feedback. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 45(3), 431-446.
Hoo, H.T. and Hughes, G.(2017). Use of Learning Gain Measurements to Compare Teacher-centric and Student-centric Feedback in Higher Education. Ipsative Assessment and Personal Learning Gain. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hoo, H.T. (2014). The Power of Pedagogy [Review of the book The Power of Pedagogy] Educate~, 14 (3), 62-63.