Presenter: Associate Professor Richard Desjardins
6 October 2016, 16.00-17.30, Committee Room 2, UCL Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL.
This presentation discusses the extent to which structural factors relevant to social policy, institutional and public policy frameworks, the skill orientation of the economy and the coordination of adult learning systems manifest themselves and relate to the demand for, and supply of, adult education. It also discusses several of the more direct policies related to governance and provision structures associated with adult education, which can be seen as strategies for coping with several of the coordination problems that are inherent to adult learning systems. Emphasis is placed on the importance of macro tools for coordinating adult learning systems.
Dr Richard Desjardins is Associate Professor of Political Economy of Education at the University of California, Los Angeles. He previously worked at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Directorate for Education between 2010-2013 on the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) and the Skills Strategy, and was Associate Professor in Comparative Social Science at Aarhus University, Denmark. He is joint-editor of the European Journal of Education.
The seminar is free to attend, but prior registration would be helpful: please contact to book a place