LLAKES’ Professor Karen Evans awarded the European Commission’s VET Research Award for 2017

Congratulations go to Professor Karen Evans, emeritus Professor of Education and Honorary Professor at LLAKES, who has been awarded the prestigious VET Research Award of the European Commission for 2017. Professor Evans was, until her recent retirement, the leader of LLAKES phase 2 research theme “Youth, Inter-generational Mobility and Civiv Values”, and has for many years been a major contributor to LLAKES’ research and engagement.

The citation from the Commission records:

  • Direction of major international high quality studies on learning and work in the context of VET.
  • Long-term excellent academic publication track record with many internationally acknowledged publications.
  • Major contribution to knowledge building about current and future VET, both theoretically and empirically, which is also highly relevant for VET practice and policy.
  • Significant impact on basic research on VET, as well as on building bridges between VET and wider societal issues and addressing key dimensions of social sciences.
  • Contribution to advancements in educational science.
  • Key actor in the development of networks aiming at strengthening VET cooperation at the European level.
  • Active membership of several international VET research communities.
  • Lifelong dedication to the field

For more, go to: https://vetnetsite.org/2017/11/24/karen-evans-awarded-with-the-vet-research-award-of-the-european-commission-2017/