The LLAKES Centre in the Institute of Education is pleased to announce the award of up to S$753,000 (£448,000) funding for a multidisciplinary, project in partnership with Singapore’s Institute for Adult Learning, part of the Singapore University for Social Science. Francis Green, Professor of Work and Education Economics will lead research on graduate jobs, skills and qualifications mismatch in Singapore, while Andy Green, Professor of Comparative Education, will lead research on lifelong learning systems and their effects on changes in skills levels and distributions during the post-compulsory and adult phases of learning. The project also involves Dr. Golo Henseke, Dr. Nicholas Pensiero both research officers in LLAES, and Professor Johnny Sung, a consultant working with the Institute of Adult Learning, who is also a Visiting Professor at LLAKES.
The research questions to be addressed, using quantitative analysis of survey data, are:
RQ1.1: What are graduate jobs in Singapore today? What occupations are situated at the margin between graduate and non-graduate jobs?How has grad
RQ1.2: Using the derived indicator of graduate jobs, what is the state of the graduate labour market, how has it changed and has this affected the fortunes of incumbent and recent graduates?
RQ1.3: Who accesses graduate level jobs successfully, what are the driving factors, and how do graduates get on in their career?
In the second project led by Andy Green, the research will examine, using mixed methods:
RQ2.1: How does the level and distribution of core skills change through the lifecourse in Singapore and elsewhere?
RQ2.2: How far, if at all, do lifelong learning system types and characteristics (in post-compulsory education and training and adult learning) explain cross-country variations in skills levels and distributions, taking account of cross-country differences in external contexts?
RQ2.3: How can Singapore’s lifelong learning institutions and policy be characterised within a typology of lifelong learning systems worldwide?
The project will conclude in December 2020.
If you would like to know more about this partnership, please contact Professor Francis Green (overall Principal Investigator).