Role in LLAKES

Director of LLAKES and PI for ISIKLE Project

IRIS Profile


Research Interests

Andy Green's main field of research is the comparative (historical and sociological) study of education and training systems, their origins and social and economic consequences. He has a long-standing interest in education and state formation and has directed major cross-country comparative research projects on: skills formation and economic competitiveness in Europe and Asia; funding and regulation of lifelong learning; convergences and divergences in European education and training systems; education, inequality and social cohesion.

Recent Outputs and Activities

Andy Green's Publications and Reviews of his Books.


Green, A. (May, 2017) The Crisis for Young People: Generational Inequalities in Education, Work, Housing and Welfare, Palgrave Pivot.

Mundy, K., Green, A, Lingard, B.  and Verger, A. (eds) (2016) Handbook of Global Education Policy, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.

Green, A. (2013) Education and State Formation: Europe, East Asia and the USA. Revised and Extended Second Edition. Palgrave, Basingstoke.

Janmaat, J.G., Duru-Bellat, M., Green, A. and Mehaut, P. (2013) (eds), The Dynamics and Social Consequences of Education Systems. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.

Green, A. and Janmaat, J-G (2011) Regimes of Social Cohesion: Societies and the Crisis of Globalisation. Palgrave, Basingstoke.

Green, A., Preston, J. and Janmaat, G. (2006) Education, Equality and Social Cohesion, Palgrave, Basingstoke.

Journal Articles

Green, A. Pensiero, N. Franceschelli, M. and Henseke, G. (forthcoming, 2017) Education and the Changing Structure of Opportunities for Young People in England,  Journal of Asian Education Review.

Green, A. and Pensiero, N. (2016) ‘The Effects of Upper Secondary Education and Training Systems on Skills Inequality. A Quasi-Cohort Analysis using PISA 2000 and the OECD Survey of Adult Skills.’ British Education Research Journal, 45, 5, pp. 756-779.

Liu, Y., Green, A. and Pensiero, N. (2016) ‘Expansion of Higher Education and Inequality of Opportunities: A Cross-national Analysis.’ Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, (3).

Green, A, Green, F. and Pensiero, N (2015) ‘Cross-Country Variation in Adult Skills Inequality: Why are Skill Levels and Opportunities so Unequal in Anglophone Countries?’ Comparative Education Review, 59, 4 (featured article).

Green, A. (2014) ‘Education and the State: Whatever Happened to Education as a Public Good?’ Uddannel Historie, Special Edition: Skoleanordningerne af 1814. Danmarks Skole i et Transnationalt Lys, Copenhagen,  pp. 10-31.

Janmaat, J.-G. and Green, A. (2013) ‘Skills Inequality, Adult Learning and Social Cohesion in The United Kingdom’, Special Issue on ‘Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies’ edited by Karen Evans and John Field,’ British Journal of Educational Studies, 61, 1, pp. 7-24.

Green, A.  (2011) ‘Lifelong Learning, Equality and Social Cohesion, European Journal of Education, 46, 2, May 2011, pp. 228-248.

Green, A., Janmaat, G. and Cheng, H. (2011) ‘Social Cohesion: Converging and Diverging Trends,’ National Institute Economic Review, 215, pp. 7-23.

Green, A. (2008) ‘Le Modèle de l’Ėcole Unique, l’Ėgalité et la Chouette de Minerva’, Revue Française de Pédagogie, 164’ pp. 15-26.

Chapters in Books

Green, A. and Pensiero, N. (2016) ‘Comparative Perspectives: Education and Training System Effects on Youth Transitions and Opportunities’ in Schoon, I. and Bynner, J, (eds), Young People and the Great Recession: Preparing for an Uncertain Future, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Green, A  and Janmaat, J. G. (2016)  ‘Education and Social Cohesion – A Panglossian Global Discourse’ in Mundy, K., Green, A, Lingard, B.  and Verger, A. (eds) (2016) Handbook of Global Education Policy, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.

Green, A. (2016) ‘Introduction to Section One’ in  Mundy, K., Green, A, Lingard, B.  and Verger, A. (eds) (2016) Handbook of Global Education Policy, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.

Mundy, K., Green, A, Lingard, B.  and Verger, A. (2016) ‘The Globalization of Education Policy: Key Approaches and Debates’ in Mundy, K., Green, A, Lingard, B.  and Verger, A. (eds) (2016) Handbook of Global Education Policy, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.

Green, A. and Mostafa, T. (2013) ‘The Dynamics of Education Systems: Convergent and Divergent Trends,  1990 to 2010.’ in Janmaat, J.G., Duru-Bellat, M., Green, A. and Mehaut, P. (eds), The Dynamics and Social Consequences of Education Systems. Palgrave Macmillan, pp.160-181.

Mostafa, T. and Green, A. (2013)  ‘Pre-School Education and Care - ‘Win-Win’ Policies? ‘In: Janmaat, J-G., Duru-Bellat, M., Green, A. and Mehaut, P., Education Systems: Dynamics and Social Consequences. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 15-45.

Research Reports and Policy Briefings.

Green, A. and Mason, G. (2017). The Case for an All-Age Graduate Tax in England. LLAKES Research Paper 61, UCL Institute of Education.

Keating, A., Green, A., and Janmaat, G. (2015). Young Adults and Politics Today: Disengaged and Disaffected or Engaged and Enraged? : The Latest Findings from the Citizenship Education Longitudinal Study (CELS). LLAKES Policy Briefing, UCL Institute of Education.

Green, A., Green, F., and Pensiero, N. (2014) Why are Literacy and Numeracy Skills in England so Unequal: Evidence from the OECD’s Survey of Adult Skills and other International Surveys, LLAKES Research Paper 27, Institute of Education, London.

Meierkord, A., Donlevy, D., Green, A. and Pensiero, N. and Herrera, F. (2015) Study on the Link between the Levels of Basic Competences and Formal Educational Attainment in a Cross Country and Within-Country Perspective. Report to DG Education and Culture of the European Commission, ECORYS.

Green, A and Janmaat, G. IOE LLAKES Research Briefing. ‘What Holds Different Societies Together and How is Social Cohesion Affected by the Economic Crisis?’ 2013.

Han, C., Janmaat, J.-G., Hoskins, B. and Green, A. (2013) Perceptions of Inequalities: Implications for Social Cohesion, LLAKES Research Paper 35.

Mostafa, T. and Green, A.  (2012) Measuring the Impact of Universal Pre-School Education and Care on Literacy Performance Scores, LLAKES Research Paper 36, Institute of  Education, London.

Green, A.  and Mostafa, T.  (2011) Pre-School Education and Care - a ‘Win-Win’ Policy? LLAKES Research Paper 32, Institute of Education, London, ISSN 2042-5929.

Green, A. Mostafa, T. and Preston, J. (2010) The Chimera of Competitiveness: Varieties of Capitalism and the Economic Crisis, Monograph, LLAKES Research Paper Series. Institute of Education, London.

Green, A., Janmaat, G. and Han, C. (2009) Regimes of Social Cohesion, Monograph, LLAKES Research Paper 1. Institute of Education, London.