You are here | Guile, D. (2009), ‘Conceptualizing the transition from education to work as vocational practice: lessons from the UK’s creative and cultural sector’, British Educational Research Journal, 35, 5, pp. 761-779, 10.1080/01411920802688713
Guile, D. (2009), ‘Conceptualizing the transition from education to work as vocational practice: lessons from the UK’s creative and cultural sector’, British Educational Research Journal, 35, 5, pp. 761-779, 10.1080/01411920802688713
Guile, D. (2009), ‘Conceptualizing the transition from education to work as vocational practice: lessons from the UK’s creative and cultural sector’, British Educational Research Journal, 35, 5, pp. 761-779, 10.1080/01411920802688713